Miami Herald Article: The end of single-family-only home suburbs? Miami-Dade zoning rule impact could be ‘sweeping’

A drone’s-eye view of the century-old, unincorporated Schenley Park neighborhood shows its low-density, single-family character. A developer plans to build a pair of luxury duplexes, with two homes each, in the vacant lot at bottom center, once occupied by a small 1951 house, under a Miami-Dade regulation designed to ease the county’s severe housing crunch. AL DIAZ

“For the dozen years that Jose and Barbara Pazos have lived in Schenley Park, the century-old unincorporated neighborhood of single-family houses and ample trees that surrounds Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, they’ve seen their share of teardowns as modest old concrete bungalows get replaced with bigger, gleaming new homes.”

“The rule, a part of the county’s workforce housing program, gives owners of lots zoned for single-family homes in unincorporated areas like Schenley Park, which borders Coral Gables to the west, the right to build multiple housing units on their properties, with the number depending on the lot size.”

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FPL “Storm Secure Underground Program” in Schenley Park