To serve as a community forum for the residents of Schenley Park. To express and communicate the issues directly impacting the neighborhood. 

Our Purpose

Our Mission

To conserve and enhance the living, working, recreational and visiting experiences for everyone in the Schenley Park community.


Along with the growth of the main campus of Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, several different issues have come to the attention of the homeowners directly adjacent to the property.

Throughout the years, the growth of the hospital and population has caused over- development, and it has been difficult to communicate residents’ concerns to the hospital and Miami-Dade County.

Your voice matters.

Through this forum, residents can voice their concerns on our Facebook group, access contact information, and advocate for the community's needs, united as one voice.

Join the Conversation


As expressed by Schenley Park Homeowners

Lights and Lighting

For decades, the homeowners have complained about the bright lights. The lights are from the car park, signage, and vehicles. Both car lights and emergency vehicles.

Vita Trail

The hospital is building a fitness course outside of its fence, with little or no input from the adjacent homes. Against the homeowners wishes. Adding unwanted construction and unwanted additional lighting to the areas around the campus. As well as causing the removal of green spaces that buffer the hospital from the neighborhood. The concrete slabs will cause more flooding.

Street Flooding

  As the hospital’s footprint has grown, the construction has caused overdevelopment which then in turn causes flooding in some of the streets adjoining the campus. Rainwater is now causing damage to the homes around the hospital. Also blocking access to the hospital. Specifically, along 6oth Court between SW 33rd Street and SW 30thStreet

Contact List

Through this forum residents will be able to express there concerns, find contact persons to reach and voice the communities’ needs through one voice.

  • Jose Perdomo Sr. VP.

    Office Phone Number: 786-624-6884


  • Kevin Cabrera: 305-267-6377

    Manuel Orbis:

    Sonia Castro:

  • LLC



Ramon Abreu from 30th Street

“The car lights from the parking lot and the car alarms echoe and disturbs our sleep” 

Celia Queijeiro from 30th Street

“ The hospital employees speed by our street and make lots of noise. The construction and helicopter noise has ruined our peaceful neighborhood.”

Lilly Perez from 33rd Street

“The hospital chillers kept us up during construction. The hospital work crews start before 7:00AM and wake us up.”

Henry Serrano from 60th Court

 “Our lawn gets flooded when it rains hard. There are trucks always driving through a residential area.”

Upcoming Events

A special thank you to Neighbors of Schenley Park for organizing and hosting these events.